Pastor Steve Hobbins, Administrator

When State Line Christian School opened its doors in 1973, Dr. Les Hobbins’s vision was to open not just a private school, but a Christ-filled school that held the beliefs of Lewis Avenue Baptist Church and the other churches in the Greater Toledo area. The school is Baptist-based with a strong emphasis on evangelism.
Chapel is held once a week, on Mondays for the elementary and Fridays for the high school. The sermon is delivered by State Line staff members as well as by guest speakers from around the country, including former graduates of the school.
The school building has three main parts – the elementary wing, the high school wing, and the Patriot Activity Center (PAC), a full-size gym that is generally considered one of the best in the surrounding area. In addition to the classrooms and the full-size cafeteria located within the PAC, the gym is also used for a variety of functions, including basketball, volleyball, indoor soccer, and banquets.
There are many extra-curricular activities in which students may become involved. The music program offers an elementary choir, junior high choir, and a varsity choir. The orchestra program begins as early as fourth grade, where students can begin with band or stringed instruments, and join the orchestra by junior high.
State Line also offers a sports program for both boys and girls. The boys may compete in soccer and basketball. The girls may join cheerleading and compete in volleyball.
In addition to music and sports, students may join yearbook, run for class officers, and enjoy a class trip during their senior year.
Our Philosophy

By focusing on God, academics, and a positive environment, the school is committed to training upstanding young men and women to be solid Christians ready to serve the Lord.
Our History

State Line started with just a K-4 and K-5, but added grades every year, until they graduated their first class in 1980. It is considered a preparatory school for college – a student’s core classes are chosen for him, and each student receives four years of English, math, and science. The school uses A Beka Book curriculum. State Line has been successful in preparing its students with 90% of graduates go on to pursue college.